Cup Counting and Re-Stacking Machine

Technical Features:
  • The ability to take the output table from one side and install it to the other, if needed
  • Maximum speed of 1000 cups per minute
  • Minimum diameter of the opening of the cup: 50 mm
  • Maximum diameter of the opening of the cup: 180 mm
  • Main driver, servo motor : 800 W
  • Machine control with PLC
  • Industrial HMI for reading and entering variables
  • The ability to add a table as a cup bank to increase the storage capacity and automatic feed at the entrance (optional)
  • The ability to add automatic packaging at the output (optional)

the designing and installing of the special gear is in a way that the counting's screws which is in touch with the cups,move both particles downwards so that the counting and separating get done in the best way possible.